A list of helpful libraries and code

Today I finally cleaned up a library that I've been using since quite a while now and that I find very helpful to add animation.

sequence.lua.zip (2.5 KB)

It allows you to play a sequence of easings. It's so much easier to add more interesting or complex animations.

In our game I'm still using my own easing library (that I also used for quite some time) so I had to refactor a bit to use the playdate ones. Maybe that introduced some bugs. Let's hope not.

So has an example, this is how I animated out logo when you arrive on the main menu.

pick_anim_x = sequence.new():from(150):sleep(0.4):to(50, 0.3, "outCirc"):to(0, 0.5, "outExpo")
pick_anim_y = sequence.new():from(-240):sleep(0.4):to(0, 0.3, "inQuad"):to(-30, 0.2, "outBack"):to(0, 0.5, "outBounce")

pack_anim_x = sequence.new():from(150):sleep(0.2):to(50, 0.3, "outCirc"):to(0, 0.2, "outExpo"):start()
pack_anim_y = sequence.new():from(-240):sleep(0.2):to(0, 0.3, "inQuad"):to(-30, 0.2, "outBack"):to(0, 0.5, "outBounce")

pup_anim_x = sequence.new()
pup_anim_y = sequence.new():from(-240):to(0, 0.5, "outBack")

And this is the result
SequenceExample.zip (27.9 KB)

In your code you just have to call the update function

To trigger an animation just call

And to get the value

That's it :playdate_relaxed:

Update September 2022
it is on GitHub now GitHub - NicMagnier/PlaydateSequence: Create animations with simple sequences of easing functions in your playdate game