Incorrect .fnt file for Roobert-24-Medium-Numerals

The .fnt file seems to be the wrong excerpt from the full font, listing a bunch of punctuation characters instead of numbers:

space	18
!		7
"		16
#		17
$		18
%		17
&		17
'		16
(		17
)		17
*		6

...I made a new .fnt file that works:

0		17
1		7
2		16
3		17
4		18
5		17
6		17
7		16
8		17
9		17
:		3

I'm not sure we meant for the Numerals version of that font to be distributed — apparently we made it for internal performance reasons that don't apply to game development. Does the full version work unmodified? (Roobert-24-Medium.fnt)

Ah, well it was handy -- I wanted a big font for numbers but didn't need any of the other characters, so it seemed like a smaller asset to include in my project. I didn't try the full character set, but I did make my new version of the numerals .fnt file by just clipping the relevant section out of the full .fnt