Following up on the ability to display a shade of grey by flashing pixels very quickly (click the reply arrow above to see message this one is replying to; and some chat on the Discord) here is a demo! (19.0 KB)
- up/down/left/right change target frame rate
- A/B to toggle movement of the ball
- left ball has flashing shadow
- right ball has static dithered shadow
- the effect is only viewable on device
- fps needs to be >60, higher the better, to get good results
- added a very rough/quick method of trying to keep the ball speed constant-ish
it looks like below, but ball shadow is flashing to make it look like grey (on device!)
ps: i didn't have time to create any new sprites so you have a small ball plus shadow, but the code will cope if you replace the 3 cell image table with something of a different dimension