Pdc on Windows doesn't seem to support import path relative to the current file

Reviving this thread because it seems that there are still some issues on Windows and relative path.

I have a project that uses relative path import, and here are some weird specifics behaviour.

If I run the PDC command from within the folder of my project, then no issue. Everything works as expected.

But when running it from a new window/another folder/another drive even, I run into issues when running the same command

This is happening when using the VSCode Playdate Debug extension from @midouest (GitHub - midouest/vscode-playdate-debug: Unofficial Playdate debug extension for Visual Studio Code on macOS, Windows and Ubuntu). I have a ticket setup on the extension, and this is a minor issue, but since the issue happens on bare commands, I'm wondering if there is still a bug there, or if there are some guidelines around pdc usage on windows