Pulp+: Chrome extension to add some neat features to Pulp

Hello everyone! I know a lot of you feel like Pulp is missing a couple of features which would greatly improve the workflow. Ofcourse we all hope that Panic will add those features to Pulp themselves, but for the time being I've created the following!

Meet Pulp+.
A neat little chrome extension that add's a couple of options and features to Pulp!

Important: This plugin is in no affiliated with Panic. Lot's of the features below are just hacks and are easily broken by Pulp updates.


  • Increased the width of the incredibly small search results.
  • Added "Pretty export" buttons to export the JSON in a "not" minified format.
  • Added "Open script" button on small script editor to open script in full screen.
  • Added the ability to change the theme colors.
  • Removed the footer since it overlaps with the "pulp+ settings" button.
  • Made the script editor responsive.
  • Moved tiles on the right side of the screen
  • Added scrollbar to make the tiles scrollable without scrolling the screen.
  • Added optional responsive settings to make tiles resize to the width of the screen. (disabled by default)
  • Changed the layers button to a grid to save up space.
  • Added player to the top of the "script-selector dropdown since it's used a lot.
  • Added the ability to screenshot rooms.


Does this work on Edge?
Yes Chrome extensions work on Edge too!


@UnbelievableFlavour this is amazing work!
And a real Thanos moment

This fixes a number of items in my Pulp QoL Feature Requests post.

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