Random map generation with rooms

It's possible, but it depends on how many rooms the player goes. You could create an item tile and use the load function to randomize variables of the different rooms before the player enters them.

on load do
	randomRoom = random 1,3
	randomRoom2 = random 4,6
	randomRoom3 = random 7,9

Then specify the room and the coordinates when the player is in the tile.

on collect do
	if event.room=="start" then 
	  if event.px == 11 then
	    if event.py == 12 then
		goto 3,4 in "room {randomRoom}"

While this is not complete randomness, you can create different variations of a room with this and randomize the map for every time the game is loaded. @orkn has a better explanation on how to randomize rooms but this should allow you to backtrack to the same room.