The Ghost and the Tower: Cinematic Platformer In Development

This looks really cool!

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I had some friends playtest the game and discovered that almost everyone seems to feel that the wall-jumping—which is a very core part of the platforming—is a bit off. But of course they all think it's off for different reasons :sweat_smile: It's a surprisingly hard mechanic to get right! Especially when it feels so natural to me by this point.

So I did a bunch of tweaks—adding extra colliders on the side of the player so you can launch from the wall even if you're not quite "touching" it, and ignoring d-pad input if you are still holding down the direction of the wall you just launched from (which is easy to do by accident if you are pressing the direction of the wall when you jump. You don't actually need to, but for some players, this feels more natural)

It's starting to feel more flexible, but I expect I'll be tweaking this quite a bit before release!


I'm gearing up to release a public demo of The Ghost and the Tower soon! The game's Itch page is now live at The Ghost and the Tower by Quinn Stephens and I can't wait to share the actual gameplay with everyone :smiley:

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(I'll probably move my updates over to the dev log there for greater visibility so please follow if you're interested!)