Using breakpoints with LUA code

Hi! Can you confirm there's no way to use breakpoints with LUA on Windows? It seems to be the case, both from my experience and from reading the answers to this thread.

Not currently. The next release of the SDK out soon will include it.


Thanks for your answer! Is there an ETA for next release of the SDK?

No ETA other than "Soon." :slight_smile:

Ok, got it! :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks!

Hi, is it possible to debug playdate lua yet in Windows/vscode? Thanks

Hi everybody :slight_smile: Is it possible to use breakpoints with LUA on Windows currently? Is there any documentation/tutorial about it? Thanks in advance.

Breakpoints do work on Windows, I use VSCode with the Playdate debug extension that @midouest created and pointed to higher up in the thread, which is also recommended in Inside Playdate, and it's been working very well.