This category is for any suggestions, ideas, and requests relating to the Playdate SDK. One of us at Panic will take a look at your request!
How do I post a feature request?
First, check to ensure that no one else has posted about this feature request by using the search at the top-right. If someone else has already posted this same feature, feel free to like the post or comment on it to add any additional suggestions. It's helpful to know if multiple people would like a feature that's already been posted!
Once you have checked to make sure other people haven't requested this feature, you can post a new feature request by going to Feature Request and clicking the New Thread button.
Tips on how to write a feature request
- Describe your reason for requesting this feature. What problems are you running into?
- How would this request improve your experience developing for Playdate?
- Include any other details you have relating to this request.
How do I report a bug?
This category is only for feature requests. If you need to report a Playdate bug, head to the Bug Reports category and post from there.
Be sure to check the Bug Report category info before creating a new thread.