I recently wrote a blog post titled Getting Started with Playdate. It is really more about the steps involved in getting the various examples to run. After stepping away from Playdate development and coming back, I did not immediately remember the exact steps. Therefore, a "paper" memory record seemed like a good idea!
Thanks, seems useful!
You might also mention (to not dissuade people maybe?) that the command line isn't needed at all: download the SKD and go! ...As long as Lua is sufficient for your needs and you have a Playdate-integrated editor—which may only be Nova? Not sure what plugins exist for other editors.
Thank you for the feedback! I added a paragraph to the introduction explaining that the command line is not necessary for Playdate development. Could a post on "Getting Started with Playdate and the Nova Code Editor" make sense? (I probably want to finish getting a working solution for Fortran on Playdate first though.)
I think you've said everything clearly already, without much need for another post. (Good call to mention Pulp, I didn't think of that!)