Catalog dashboard - show how many people have wished who have not purchased

In the catalog dashboard for a game, it shows how many wishes your game has

I am assuming that this includes people who have wished and then purchased the game

It would be good to see the number of people who have wished who have not yet purchased


Seconding* — I honestly thought this was just the intended behavior for the existing wishlist counter and was kinda surprised that it didn't work that way. took a bit of sleuthing to even realize that a purchase/gifted game won't take away from the existing total; would love to be able to have this to see how things like discounts, release for coming soon titles, etc. affect attach rates for wishlisting users

I thought we'd been told that it does subtract if the wisher purchases? Second hand reference.

And in my experience after I but a game in my wishlist it is removed from my wishlist.

Here we go @neven said

Wishes shouuuuuld map onto customers who wishlisted your game but haven't bought it yet. When someone buys a game they had previously wishlisted, their wishlist entry for that game is nulled

Now I see the "shouuuuuld" :scream_cat:

I guess the good thing is that this sort of tally change should be correctable for past purchases? Right?

personally i've heard anecdotes from people who've run sales; many more purchases relative to usual, but their wishlist counts barely go down if at all. and for my own game, pre-launch i'd wishlisted it as a test, and then when i claimed a copy* the count didn't subtract me until i manually unwishlisted the game via the API. even though the game didn't show up on my front-end wishlist anymore and there was no button to remove it directly
*this was over a freegame key though, so behavior could be different for real purchases.

We track when a wish is "completed," but you're right that we're not displaying that information in the Catalog dashboard. I'll make that change today!


I can see the change in my dashboard, thank you very much!

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