What's wrong with this code? Something painfully obvious is happening here.
// trying to get char sprite to change on entering room
// switching between portrait to landscape orientation
on enter do
tell event.player to
swap "playerLandscape"
Broader question, why am I so bad at Pulpscript? The Pulpscript guide is supposedly good... people seem to like it. But for me it seems to withhold whatever key information I need at any given time.
I agree the Pulpscript guide is really confusing at first. In my experience it took some time for me before it 'clicked' and I understood it.
What you shared looks correct from what I can tell.
Here's a couple things to check that have made me stumble in the past-
Make sure you have the 'on enter' event in the room's script (and not in the player/game/wherever)
Make sure the tile "playerLandscape" is exactly the same name in both the code and the tile/room editor. This includes capitalization and spaces. (I've been done in MANY times by accidentally having a space at the end of the tile name..)
Check that you don't have code running elsewhere that is also telling the player tile to swap (scripted idle animations, walkcycles, etc)
Idk if this is a common issue but I often have to close out of the tab running the simulator and reopen it with the play button for any changes to actually show.