Copy/Paste pixel art from item to sprite?

Hi ! Is there a way to copy/paste pixel art, from one object to another ? Say, from an item to a sprite, or to a world tile ?

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There's some options on the right hand side that let you choose what kind of tile you want specifically.

World is your basic "everyday" tile.
Player is the Player.
Sprite is a tile that needs script attaching but has to have solid collision
Item is a tile that needs script but collision is optional and can therefore be "collected" or stepped on.

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Thanks, that's working. I have similar question, what about text? Can I use font tiles for wold? I don't understand what I can do with text menu except changings letters itselves

Instead of using font tiles for placement in the world you can go into the players "draw" function and use label "Whatever:{variable}" at X,Y to draw it on screen.

There may be a way to use them directly in the world that i'm not familiar with but this is how I do it.

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Well this Copy does not work if you want to copy a sprite art to an item art indeed.

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Sorry @FlamKeuch , I'm not sure I understand?

To copy art from 1 to another, you simply duplicate the tile and change the type of it, to any other type and the art carries over.


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Allll right I didn't get it, many thanks !

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Ah no worries:) I hope that solves your problem!