Crordle - Another Wordle clone

Hi folks, I've just finished a little Wordle clone as my first experiment with the SDK. Please forgive the complete lack of originality—I've never made a game before so I wanted to do something relatively simple and well-defined.

It features crank-driven letter selection, though you can of course just use the up/down arrows if you prefer. It uses the same word list as actual Wordle, but one picked at random with no limit on plays. I have no idea how it runs on actual hardware as mine won't arrive til later this year, but hopefully it's decent!

No plans to properly release this for obvious reasons, but I had a blast making it and wanted to share the game and source for other people to make use of. I come from a back-end web background so I have probably made some questionable decisions on the code side, but it all seems to work :smile:

Github repo

CleanShot 2022-04-25 at 00.38.50 (118.4 KB)



hi! would it be possible to add support for the playdates keyboard

This is great! Overall really polished!


Looks brilliant, Matt!

I feel like it should be called "Crankle", though :grinning:


@djf1107 It would probably require quite major changes to the code sorry! Plus I think it would take some of the fun out of it

@Drew-Lo Thank you!

@dvkly Thanks! I never thought of Crankle :smile: Plordle and Wordate were already taken by two (incredibly clever!) Pulp versions.

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This is really neat! I'm going to give it a whirl! :smiley:

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Well done. If works great on device.

One suggestions/request: It would be more pleasant if it auto-filled previously correctly guessed letters.

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@rokashi @tantalic Thanks both! I’m glad it works well on device :smile:

This is awesome. It works very well on my device, and I've spent a lot of time playing it. Kudos!

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