I'd like the ability to change the artwork for Exit tiles, similar to other tiles types. This would allow us to "disguise" exits and otherwise create new, interesting ways of moving to new locations. It would really open up the narrative possibilities for people strictly using Pulp only.
Another suggestion is to include PulpScript logic into Exits themselves to allow the same Exit tile to go to different Rooms (or none at all) based what conditions are met.
An easy way around this is to use an item, sprite or "tile" and call a function that moves the player, removing the need for the exits entierly.
For example:
on interact do
call "endgame"
on endgame do
goto 12,12 in "EndRoom"
That would transfer the player to the room "EndRoom" at tile 12,12.
The only thing we don't currently have access to is whatever function (restart, reload, whatever) that the "FIN" tile does so you have to use one of those to reset the game, which is a bit annoying but yno, it's only beta and i'm sure that'll come eventually.