CYBERZERO - a devlog

Hello! This is my first try at making a full game, and that felt important enough to post here to hopefuly get some interested in playing the game.

Anyways, CYBERZERO is a Creature-Collector game with robots and a tactical twist!

The game is simple to understand but hard to master- You have multiple turns in which you may select to move, attack, or defend, but the real choice is about which one goes first.

Enough about how the game works; let me tell you about progress curently:

• Every feature has been planned out- even every stat-line of every enemy + designs.
• Hopefuly final logo designed.
• Game development switched over from pulp to the SDK.

And thats all I have for now! Please tell me if you want to see more of the game- I will take all the support I can get!

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Awesome! Good luck! Looking forward to seeing screenshot and gameplay!

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Update 1:

I have gone back to pulp for this game because it was easier to code the game.

And here are some early progress screenshots:
screenshot (34)
(Your house before you pick your first robot)
screenshot (35)
(Robot selection screen)
screenshot (36)
(After you pick your robot)

Anyways, I will try to update this devlog on the 30th/31st of a month with some new stuff about this game.

And that is all I have for monthly update 1!

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Update 2:

This update is very important to how the game works.

•How stats work:
Stats are determined by a few things- Leveling up, Player level, and Base stats. Base stats are just like a Pokémon's, with an exeption being that instead of those stats being at level 50, mine are based at level 1 instead. Every stat is raised a few points upon leveling up, and upgrading (Basically just like a Pokémon evolving) just makes your base stats higher.

• A few robot's stats:
MouseBot (Starter)-
40 HP, 10 DEF, 70 ATK, Evil, Moves 2 tiles
InfernoBot (Starter)-
10 HP, 10 DEF, 100 ATK, Fire, Moves 1 tile
CosmoTron (Starter)-
60 HP, 50 DEF, 10 ATK, Cosmic, Moves 1 tile
WallTron (Starter)-
20 HP, 90 DEF, 10 ATK, Metal, Moves 1 tile
LampTron (Starter)-
40 HP, 40 DEF, 40 ATK, Light, Moves 1 tile
Creator (Unobtainable until an event)
700 HP, 400 DEF, 500 ATK, Creator, Moves 3 tiles

Now, you may have seen 6 unique types while looking at the stats, which each mean different things about the robot. Fire beats Metal (Each of the robots are infact above 2500° F.), Metal beats light (No reason for this one, just ran out of good ideas for reasoning), Light beats Evil, Evil beats Cosmic (insert star wars reference here), Cosmic beats Fire (No oxygen in space), and Creator type beats all.

And that is all for update 2!

I have recently realized that this game is too big. Not too big as in unable to fit on the Playdate, but too big for my first game. Thankfully, I had a solution that I have been thinking of for a long time; releasing the game in waves.
The way this will work is that I realase wave 1 (The main story + some side content) then wait a few months and make a new wave with new bosses, areas, and new robots to update the game in a way which I just need to make the base mechanics and build off from there.
This has been the biggest project I have ever made on any platform, and seeing that I got some people interested in this silly little game has made me want to continue working on this game even though I have many other things to do. I thank you for taking some interest in what I am doing here for my first game. And, Happy holidays, Everyone!