E Y E L A N D / v2 UPDATE on itch!

i did start a new game, but i'm not sure where it's going yet - plus i'm trying not to get stuck indoors all summer working on it. :slight_smile:



EYELAND v2 update now up on itch: here

audio is audible / fixed some bugs / a few tiny aesthetic adjustments

I just finished Eyeland and I felt compelled to come here and sign up just to tell you how much I loved it! Kudos, I’ll be eagerly awaiting your next project! (if you decide to make more)

Thank you, Brian! that means a lot - I'm glad you like it!

There IS something "in the works" but i probably won't really dive into it until this winter. (i'm trying to make sure i don't get stuck indoors all summer, squinting at a tiny screen!)

( :a: _ :b: )