Hello Everyone!
This is my new game, Eggs and Bacon! It is a game where you basically have to help your parents make breakfast, while doing some other things along the way.
Hunger is one of the more interesting mechanics, I think, in this game. It essentially works in that each time you take a step or interact with something, your hunger goes down. It starts at 1000, and once it reaches 0, you have to restart.
(The hunger is the thing in the upper-lefthand corner. It is represented by a drumstick. Or a fish. I'm not really sure.)
Of course, you can eat food to get less hungry.
Here is how the system currently works.
//hunger system
if hungerCount==1 then
wait 1 then
if hunger1>=2 then
hunger1 = 0
if hunger2>=2 then
hunger2 = 0
if hunger<=0 then
loop "yurDed"
fin "You sure got too hungry... Try again. But eat this time!"
The "if hungerCount==1 then" is because I have a little game menu, and I didn't want the hunger to show up while you are in that.
Now, this system is a work in progress, and obviously there would be much better ways to do it, but it runs fairly well on the Playdate, so it is good for now.
The game basically works like this:
- You get up in the morning.
- You go downstairs.
- Your dad asks you to help him make breakfast.
Once that happens, you need to explore the town of Chaosville in order to find things that people ask you to get. Once you find the thing, you bring it back to the person in order to receive another mission.
This game also has a ton of easter eggs and random other stuff that isn't relevant at all in it because I think "Oh, it would be cool if you could do this!" and then I try and make it, and it ends up being way harder than I thought. One example of this is I made it so you can sit in the chairs in the dining room of your house, which I thought would be easy.
However, in order for it to look good, I had to do this:
on collect do
sat = 1
tell event.player to
swap "playerChair2"
tell 12,8 to
swap "tablePlayer"
And then, I had to have an item on either side of the chair that makes the table look normal again, because I had the table swap so that it looks like your head is sticking up above the back of the chair. The finished effect looks really good, I think, but it took me a few hours to make.
Anyways, there's a while to go before I finish it, but I thought I would post it here to show how I am doing it.
Thanks for reading!