I've encountered an unknown microcontroller filesystem error when loading image files with
img, err = playdate.graphics.image.new(pathToFile)
where err
would be of the form file <filename> not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
This is an error only popped up on the playdate itself. The simulator always loaded the image correctly. this issue reoccurred constantly between restarts and builds.
After removing all the image files from the project folder, building, putting them back, and building again I have not been able to reproduce the error.
Here is the console when I uploaded the pdx
18:46:46: Game to install: C:\Users\phooo\Documents\PlaydateProjects\Examples\Single File Examples\stencil.pdk.pdx
18:46:46: PDX name: stencil.pdk.pdx
18:46:46: Device Disconnected: COM3
18:46:46: PlaydateSerialClose (0x00000C10)
18:46:46: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty failed (122) (required size=560)
18:46:47: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty failed (122) (required size=560)
18:46:54: Found Device Disk [PLAYDATE]: F:\
18:46:54: Installing game on: F:\
18:46:54: Deleting: F:\Games\stencil.pdk.pdx
18:46:57: Installing: F:\Games\stencil.pdk.pdx
18:47:09: Installation Complete (0 errors)
18:47:09: Failed to lock F:\ for eject.
18:47:09: Failed to lock F:\ for eject.
18:47:10: Failed to lock F:\ for eject.
18:47:10: Failed to open device for for eject: \\.\F:
18:47:10: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty failed (122) (required size=560)
18:47:11: Playdate Found: COM3
18:47:11: Device Connected: COM3
18:47:11: PlaydateSerialOpen (COM3)
18:47:11: Serial port opened (0x00000F98)
18:47:11: SetCommState OK (0), BaudRate: 115200, fDtrControl: 2
18:47:12: SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty failed (122) (required size=560)
echo off
cc=9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision 277599]
18:46:46: ReadFile failed (995)
18:46:46: PlaydateSerialRead failed
18:46:46: SerialReadThread OnExit
18:47:11: SerialReadThread::Entry
time and date set
file assets\TeaPot_5Posterized1 not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
file assets\TeaPot_2BayerDither not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
file assets\TeaPot_2BayerDither not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
file assets\TeaPot_2NoiseDither not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
file assets\ball.png not found: unknown uC-FS error: 0903
main.lua:127: attempt to index a nil value (field 'img')
stack traceback:
And yes the ball.png
is the same file that's included in the single file lua examples.
Also does anyone know where documentation for these error codes exist?