Golf "simulator"

I've been working on a golf game for the playdate and is getting closer to actually having something playable.


My hope and ambition is to get it in to the catalog, but there is still many hours of tweaking, polishing and course design.
(Damn it takes time to make a game...)

The game aims to be a relaxed, but still frustrating, experience. (It's golf.)
I want to catch the feeling of real golf more than an arcade game.

There is currently 18 holes with Crank-swinging and pass-and-play-support. A round will take approx 20 minutes.

I would need a couple of testers, so if you have a playdate and some golf experience drop me a message.
I need feedback both on the overall gameplay and feedback on the course design. And of course bugs and stuff.

Best regards,


I'd love to test. I was writing a golf simulator myself, until the 2.0 SDK broke Rust support and my spirit :sweat_smile:

The spirit could fade for less setbacks than that.. :grimacing:
I PM you!

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Iā€™d love to test it out. Big fan of golf games

@redshift has helped me out with a lot of testing and has also given me an endless stream of good suggestions, which I really really appreciate!

But I guess it wouldn't hurt to have someone else have a look at it an give me some opinions. I send you an PM.

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The game is now on, feel free to try the demo!


Congratulations! :tada:

This game was a lot of fun to test. I recommend everyone try it out.

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