I would like to know how to require an "A" button press before the character goes through an exit.
Why? The rooms in my Pulp game have multiple exits and I would like my character to be able to walk over exits and not go through the exit unless they press a button.
Ideally, I'd like this to be a "game" level script so that way I do not have to make a script for every single room.
(Pardon me for not figuring this out from the documentation myself. I am a newbie.)
Unfortunately, there is no way to exit through a door with a button without having to hard code every exit. The best you can do is to add an exit inside a solid tile and have the player bump through that tile.
You'd be better having an item tile instead of an exit. Then when the player presses a button, you can call a custom event handler on the current tile that the player is on, check for any conditions you need to check, and then use the goto command to move the player.
eg in the player script (off the top of my head):
on confirm do
tell event.px, event.py to
call "player_confirm"
Then in the item tile's script, you can check for "player_confirm" being called:
on player_confirm do
goto 4,5 in "my_other_room"