Jim in the Box: Devblog 1
I've been super excited to develop for the Playdate, and was trying to figure out a fun, simple game to make in my spare time. I had a few goals:
- Simple: I don't have a ton of spare time to work on it.
- Multiplayer: I wanted to make a game to show my friends what the playdate is all about.
- Party: Hopefully, we're all laughing at the end of a little session!
Keeping in mind that I will only have one Playdate (and it doesn't have network abilities at the moment) it has to be some sort of pass and play title. Now all this sounds to me like a Mario Party Minigame. And that crank would be perfect for a jack-in-the-box...
Thus, Jim in the Box!
So the idea was born, a kinda push your luck game featuring a Jack (Jim) in the box. Each player takes turns cranking and whoever Jim pops out on is out, until only one player remains.
Thinking about my reference game, I realized that for the game to be fun, the players have to know that they're close to losing, so they can tentatively push the box further and further. My first idea was to animate the lid of the box flexing as the crank turns, but this seemed annoying to animate, and uninteresting. So I decided instead to animate the character craning the box getting more concerned and inching away as its turned.
Initially, I wanted to follow in the Playdate's original dream, and use a sort of a Game-and-Watch style set of images that are toggled between. This ended up looking ugly and having some issues. As the game and watch games use LCD's with simple images toggled on and off, there can be no overlap between sprites. This meant animating a lid bending and a jack in the box popping out would be impossible, as the character would overlap with the lid when he popped out. Further, having the crank take distinct positions didn't feel natural. Having a 1:1 correlation between the physical crank and the in game crank is essential to making the game feel good, so I decided to go for a more fluid animation style, with simple drawings moving around on screen.
State of the Game
So this is where we are now:
We have a few milestones left:
- Add Jim popping out!
- Add a reset.
- Add the sounds playing as the crank is turned.
- Add animated background elements.
I'll be posting follow up posts here as the steps continue! Also, sorry for the initial wall of text post. I didn't initially plan on blogging the dev process, and didn't take any early images of the steps, or bother to save older versions separately. The game will be up for free on my itch.io once its done, and I'll upload the code to my github soon! Expect the github to be linked in my next post