Love Letter: A Game to Propose to my Partner (In Development)

The crank rotation is handled in the crank event in the player script. You might need something like this:

on crank do
	crankDelta = event.ra
	if crankDelta>0 then
		emit "beltClockwise"
		emit "beltAnticlockwise"

If you want to move the belts only when the crank is turned a certain amount (10 degrees in my sample below) and not on every minor rotation (which I recommend, as emit calls are expensive and you likely don't need them every frame), you could do this:

on crank do
	crankAngle += event.ra
	if crankAngle>=10 then
		crankAngle = 0
		emit "beltClockwise"
	elseif crankAngle<=-10 then
		crankAngle = 0
		emit "beltAnticlockwise"
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