Master Key Pocket - a text-less adventure

Update #8

It has been nearly a year since I began working on this project that originally started with a smaller goal in mind. Most of these updates were made to keep track of my own progress by showcasing all of the things I made so far or sometimes explain one of them in great detail. This one is going to be a little different.

A week after my previous post, the release date trailer of the original game came out and that made me realize about one thing. Mine lacked a story and a goal, and without any access to the source material, I couldn't think about what it could be. I told Achromi about this and offered me a steam key a few days before its release. I was surprised about this, but it also made sense because of my efforts in bringing this game to this console.

I took some notes and made some changes as I was playing. Most of those notes were about the things I would change or make it different and trying to come up with a story. Here are some of my favorite ones along with some of the things made so far that are a bit self explanatory.

Screen recording 2024-06-27 9.04.01 PM mkp_betterlightning

/!\ minor spoilers from here /!

The story I ended up loosely follows the same as the original but with a twist of being separated by a giant door that hasn't been opened in a long time (hence the picture below). Won't go into much detail but the point is that the game's structure is divided in two with 3 (or 2) dungeons . The player can go to any dungeon without any particular order but with some inaccessible areas that the other items. These places might be pieces of a larger puzzle or small rewards for backtracking.

All of the items/weapons are complete and all that's left is finding a way to allow more enemies (like the crow and axolotl) in one screen and making some bosses (and some music). The GIF of the left is a snake that moves slightly faster when being hit and it's half complete. The right one is just a template for larger sprites, this one is not solid but it can detect collision.

I'm a bit concerned that this might be too ambitious and it might take me another year to finish it. But with the original being released last month, I think I have plenty of time.

Edit: something broke some of the images, I uploaded them to the site to fix them