Merry's Umbrel-la-nding ☂ first playdate game (WIP)

Hello! I'm currently starting to work on my first playdate game. I don't have much experience developing games, but I hope to finally finish one with the one I'm working on right now. As you probably read the game is going to be named "Merry's Umbrel-la-nding" since it's about a guy named Merry trying to land safely to ground with his Merry Poppins like umbrella which helps him slow down his fall.

So far I got the basic movment feeling right and the main mechanic that's going to be strategically closing the umbrella to speed up the fall and avoid other flying objects.

I will be posting updates on the game here and also on the official playdate discord server.

Day #1 Progress :open_umbrella:
Day 1 Progress

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