Multiple path for PLAYDATE_LIB_PATH


Now, pdc command accepts multiple -I options. Like

pdc -I lualib -I otherlib Source test.pdx

Above command is running well.

But, PLAYDATE_LIB_PATH environment variable is not support multiple path.
I've tested a semi-colon separated list like PATH envirionment variable, not suppored.

Please support multiple path in the future version.
Best regards.

Looks like it uses colons (not semicolons) to separate multiple paths.

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Thank you for reply.

I've tested ; and ,, but these weren't working. (6.2 KB)

Above is test case.
After unzipped, you can test.

$ rake cmake:simulator:debug build

Maybe, it will be failed.

❯ rake cmake:simulator:debug build
cd _build/simulator.debug
cd -
rake build:simulator:debug
cd _build/simulator.debug
cd -
cd _build/simulator.debug
PLAYDATE_LIB_PATH="/Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/lualib,/Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/lualib2" make all
/Users/***/Developer/PlaydateSDK/bin/pdc -sdkpath /Users/***/Developer/PlaydateSDK /Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/Source /Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/test_multiple_lib_path.simulator.debug.pdx
error: /Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/Source/main.lua:1: No such file: sub2

In Rakefile, at line 98-99, you can change , to ;. So, it was same.

I think, since the pdc option supports it, it would be nice if the environment variable could support it as well.

Best regards.

I think you may have misunderstood. It already supports multiple paths using colon :, like so: PLAYDATE_LIB_PATH="/Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/lualib:/Users/***/src/Playdate/test_multiple_lib_path/lualib2"

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I've misunderstood. I've misread colon to comma.

I've challenged using colon :. Working well.

Thank you.
Best regards.