My playdate will not boot after installing the update

Hello, I am getting a bit frustrated with total lack of support here. This is my third message trying to resolve this issue.

After running a system update my Playdate will no longer boot. It says invalid bootloader file, sharing BOOT segment as USB drive. I used the paperclip to manually reboot then it goes back to updating but never finishes.

Why is it so difficult to respond to developers who's device was bricked from your poorly tested software update?

If your Playdate was on version 1.6.0 or lower, you'll need to manually install 1.6.1 via the boot disk before you can update to higher versions. Perhaps @dave can help with this process.

(Edit: It seems like you've had this problem before, shown here. If that's the case and you sucessfully un-bricked it, I'm not sure what's causing that.)

I've raised this with the team, I usually direct people to the Play Date Help form on the website for more pressing matters like this.

It seems to be the same issue Nino had Production Playdate stuck “Applying Update”

Hope you get this sorted.

Thanks @scratchminer, yes I posted about it before twice with no response from anyone at Panic.

Thanks @matt if I don't hear back I will try the website. It sounds like it is the same issue as Nino but I don't have a second playdate to copy files from. Would be great to just get technical help on this from someone at the company.

Hi frankforce, we're sorry that your request slipped through the cracks for so long. As Matt suggested, please contact Playdate support directly via the form on, and we'll get working on fixing this issue as soon as we can.

To give a bit more context: the dev forum is set up more as a place to get help on SDK-specific and software-specific issues, and Panic is assisted in that by our developer community and our volunteer moderators. But contacting support is a more direct and reliable method if you have a problem with your hardware, or just a pressing issue that you want to make sure is noticed by Panic staff.

That said, we realize that the distinction of where to post, dev forum vs. support form, isn't always clear to devs, and we're sorry about that confusion. We'll work on making that clearer in the future.