[need feedback :) ] Knight World Raise : Saga (prolog)

Knight World Raise : Saga

So Here Knight World Raise - Prolog is my first mini game ever…
Knight World Raise - Prolog.json.zip (8.4 KB)

Game time experience : very short

I don’t own yet a Playdate but I enjoy creating with Pulp but sometime it was hard to start but more and more video and project are available since the release of pulp for Getting started

I’ve get some inspiration from Zelda adventure II which I recently play on the G&W… but I want more platform ...

Knight world Raise is a project for iterate on it and create an episodic game story and continue to explore more Pulp/PulpScript and video game making !

So Here the first iteration the Prolog !

I’ll do Like in book chapter for episode

It’s side view game !

Thank For your futur return !

What was hard for this iteration :

  • The side view change all the system that is shown in the example so you have to create a physics engine
  • A lot of check are created maybe some refactoring could be done after your advice
  • Synchronisation with sound and action solution was to call before next step the sound but the audio engine make only one sound called so the sound rendering is cut (cf : call bumper and moving after in the game)
  • Pixel to show smth ok was not easy to do any design that could look up to smth

What I done in this first iteration :

  • Making a tile system gravity base and player moving on the clock (with modulo frame rate ) I’m not very happy with it because you need to do « trick » to. Jump to tile next to you before the gravity apply !
  • You can hang to certain tile
  • CPU moving from direction to other when it detect hole in from of him
  • Some song the of 10sec. That loop
  • Life system for fight boss enemy or enemy...
  • Song design : it’s hard to find the good sound for the good thing with not sample system like for the bumper I’d love to do a boing sound but instead I done like some kind of teleport melody…
  • Sound engine of pulp. Limited see after « what I like in pulp »
  • Sword attack detection
  • Switch switch tile to accro tile (emit :wink: )
  • Say detection
  • Collision with jump solid tile

For next iterations I like to do

  • you can spam action button so how to. create. a delay
  • Better graphism
  • Background or better background
  • More animation more smooth graphism
  • Tile render behind the
  • Add your return
  • Timer
  • Add more enemy and new boss fight
  • Pass to two tile styled game graphic format (but not the player sprint directly???)
  • Explore ideas with the Crank :wink:
  • Update the gameplay with new ideas
  • Get a better engine rendering system
  • Make more longer music
  • More about good separation of code. Cf call loop fonction for each element from loop function would make my code more logic to read I think

Tips : you can call emit from a sprite or key to call a player. Fonction :wink:

**What I like in Pulp or pulp script : Is it possible to add a function to prioritized sound or multiple sound rendering? or force a sound to finish?

It seem to me you can only play once sound at the time

Otherwise player sound have priority for now I don’t really know…
Coding experience with pulp :

cmd+f for looking up to search work on each file but for only the first calling in the code…

Pulpscript : more syntax sugar would be nice

Array variable system? for any object or type element Could be nice (for example multiple enemy) and for loop for iterate on it would be nice to control several sprite more easily…

Bug from pulp : can’t remove the exist area 2 to area 1 on the room editor
should next exist in this project we move with "item"
Bug from gaming : sometime the enemy stop when you hit him

So thank for your futur return !

Seemed to crash on launch

I’m on it! Fix should be up in a few minutes. :playdate:

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I only try with safari browser so I gonna try to fix it for chrome !

ps : ahah it's from pulp sorry Shaun good luck :slight_smile: