I made some Pulp fonts you can import and use in your games. Pulp fonts include border art and widgets included in menus and dialogs.
To import a font, switch to the Font tab in Pulp and choose Import at the top. Your existing game font will be replaced, but nothing else in your Pulp game will be touched.
Here's a space/tech one:
pulp space font.zip (2.8 KB)
Note, it's a half-width font. You can choose whether your game uses a full-width font or half-width in the top-left section of the Font tab:
Here's a bold serif font perfect for a bookish, respectable look:
pulp serif font.zip (5.7 KB)
This is a cute, romantic font:
pulp cute font.zip (6.0 KB)
You'll need to use it on a white background to get the full effect.
I'll post more fonts when I make more! Feel free to use these, crediting me or not—whatever Have fun with Pulp!