Pdc to raise warning/error when System Assets are incorrect sizes

  1. Create card-highlighted images at 400x240
  2. Build your game
  3. Wonder why they are not working
  4. Spend way too long before realising they should be cropped to card size


  • pdc to raise warning/error when System Assets are incorrect sizes
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Yes please! I've also wasted embarrassing amounts of minutes on this

As long as I'm staring at it, the Designing for Playdate page has a couple of link errors on this topic:

  • 7. Launcher has a link called "System and Game Metadata" with the correct URL, but the linked section in Inside Playdate is called "Game metadata"
  • 7.1. Launcher card also has a link called "System and Game Metadata" that has the wrong URL: it links to a non-existent section in Inside Playdate with the anchor #_system_and_game_data instead of #pdxinfo.

@matt This is a good idea, thanks for the suggestion!

@GuyPerfect Great catches, thanks. We'll get those fixed up.

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