PDX Version Incrementer

I have been using the VSCode Playdate Debug plugin and really wanted something that would auto-increment the build number on every compile.

So I threw together a simple python script that reads you PDXInfo, bumps the build number by 1, and saves it back out. And in VS Code you can easily hook into your tasks.json sequence.

If you are interested, it's easy to use and perfect to pull in as a git submodule.

PDX Version Incrementer

I think there are other similar solutions out there, but this best fits my needs, so I hope it's useful to someone else too!

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Good to have this as a standalone tool! That VSCode extension (which I also use) does do this if your task definition contains "incrementBuildNumber": true, but it seems the setting may not be documented in the examples, so it may be non-obvious. Regardless, this script can help in other parts of the pipeline, so still good to have for composable workflows!

I certainly didn’t know that was an option. :joy:

Oh well, it was a quick tool to throw together so, yes, maybe it’s helpful for other workflows.

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