Hello! I made a Playdate imagetable of 50 x 70 px playing card images. It might be handy for prototyping or making a card game. This is 100% free, so please use it.
P.S. And let me know if you find any issues, thanks!
Hello! I made a Playdate imagetable of 50 x 70 px playing card images. It might be handy for prototyping or making a card game. This is 100% free, so please use it.
P.S. And let me know if you find any issues, thanks!
Ha! You really did redraw it. I thought you were joking. Now I know you a little bit more.
Looks great!
Wow, these are amazing! Thank you so much @neven. I was drawing cards programmatically in my little high/low game and admittedly, I had only included the diamonds suit so far. () These are sure to help, love that Joker card art!
I bet there are a bunch of (better) ways to do this, but I also wanted to share how I upscaled this without interpolation using ImageMagick. Since 100 x 140 px is very close to my current card sizes, I used:
convert 66086d55165f57942c3e3089ffd21e96de0fc0b3.png -scale 200% resReitna.png
I'm excited to try out using an imagetable like this instead!
Long live sharp pixels!
Wow! The Joker is awesome!
@neven's cards look incredible in my game, Hermit. Thank you @neven!
A few notes on this forum thread for posterity:
The 5 of spades is missing a black pixel in the original png. Here's a fixed sheet:
I was originally going with a different aesthetic for Hermit and was playing around with "skeleton" face cards that I painted in. I didn't end up going with them, but anyone is welcome to use them as well (there are no "red" cards in this sheet as the suits don't matter in Hermit)!