After getting my PlayDate I was so impressed of it and feeling of the device, so I decided to use it to solve my every day life problems. One of it - controlling productivity and time tracking.
Currently I'm developing Productivity Rabbit - its a time tracking app with game elements.
small game earn point for tracked time and upgrade rabbit's house
Personally I'm using it every day and find it very handy, helps not to overwork, check how often "working sessions" you have, and shows if you need to push a bit.
How do you like this idea? Would you use it? Maybe you have some features on mind that you'd like to see in this app?
That looks really really beautiful! Nice work!
I wouldn't personally use it because I don't believe in gamifying my productivity.
But I'm sure there are people who would! Things like Habitica, Life Up, Do It Now, etc are all super popular on mobile.
People really like PomoPost for playdate too. So I wouldn't care too much about what others think! You're the one using the app!
@DraperDanMan Thanks for feedback!
Yeah, its not about gamifying (maybe vary tiny part of the app), its more about tracking. Pretty fun to compare productivity with previous day.
That looks amazing!
I would ignore the game part too, but the time tracker and the daily progressbar screen is beautiful.
Looking forward to buy the app!