Simulator has incorrect scaling under Windows 11

When I launch the simulator, I see a large black border. I thought it was how it was supposed to look until I saw screenshots from other devs. I was wondering if this was because I use a 4K monitor.

How to reproduce bug: Launch the simulator under Windows 11. Changing the screen zoom back to the default will make the black border larger.

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I solved the issue by changing Windows 11 scaling. If you use a 4K monitor, right-click on the application, go to properties, then go to compatibility, change high DPI settings, and set the scaling to system or system enhanced.


Hey there, I'm glad you figured it out. What the Sim is doing is to keep the pixels accurate it will do a 1x scale with a border until it can fit a full 2x screen scale. Adjusting the Sim scale as you did is a great solution, thanks for following up with that.

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