Steer with crank?

Hi! I'm a complete novice to PulpScript (coding of any sort, to be honest)...

What i'm hoping to achieve is to use the crank to rotate/steer my player and use Up on the D-pad to move forward in whatever direction the player is facing.
Ideally I would love to have this work diagonally too, but would be content if I could get it to work in cardinal directions.

I've successfully managed to assign the crank to swap the player frames to give the impression of rotation, but am drawing a blank on connecting that rotation to any sort of forward motion.

Is this even possible in Pulp? Or do I need to bite the bullet and jump into Lua?

It's definitely possible in Pulp! Although Pulp is on a grid of tiles so you'll probably only be rotating in 90 degree steps (or 45 with diagonals).

The trick to getting this working will be working around the default dpad behaviour where "up" will move the player up the screen, regardless of the direction they are facing. There are a few different ways you could do this, but the simplest would probably be to make all of the surrounding tiles solid world tiles and use the player bump event to detect when up is pressed on the dpad, then use goto to move the player in code.

You could also use sprites or items to capture the player movement, or write some code in the player's update event. As I say, lots of choice!