Unlocking level idea

hi i have a "mainscene" room with on enter do

menu at x,y,w,h then
	option "One" then
		goto 5,9 in "room1"
	option "Two" then
	if unlocked2==true then
		goto 6,11 in "room2"

		if unlocked2==false then
			say "can't enter"




but it goes to room2 even if false.. i'm trying to make an unlock level thingy and manually changing unlocked2, any advise?

It's because there are no true and false in Pulp. Those are interpreted as variables, by default initialized with value 0. If unlocked2 is also 0, the first if checks true and the goto statement is executed. You're also missing an else or elseif for the second check. unlocked2 should have values of 0 (interpreted as false) or 1 (as true). Your second part of the code should look something like this:

option "Two" then
	if unlocked2==1 then
		goto 6,11 in "room2"
		say "can't enter"

ah i keep forgetting so used to "true/false" ok thanks!

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its working now! what can i add to make this work when a player exits and comes back to game? to keep track of unlocked levels if possible?

You need to store the variables. In your case, when you enter room2, you can have this code:

on enter do
  unlocked2 = 1
  store "unlocked2"

Of course, if you have more rooms, you want to extend this. So my suggestion is something like this, in each room's enter:

on enter do
  currentRoom = 5 //change this number to the room index
  if unlockedRooms < currentRoom then
    unlockedRooms = currentRoom
    store "unlockedRooms"

Then, in the game's load event you just have to call restore so that your variables are set to whatever was previously stored on disk:

on load do

In the menu you'll need to have options for all the rooms in the game. Although I suggest having a different method, especially if you have lots of rooms, but I'll leave that to your imagination. If you use the menu options, you'll need something like this:

option "Five" then
  if unlockedRooms >= 5 then
	  goto 6,11 in "room5"
	  say "can't enter"

ok great! Ill look into all this. I have on cancel restart = 1
store "restart"
wait 0 then

	fin "Restart"  if that makes any difference. Yes im trying to think instead of a main room maybe on confirm load levels..will keep looking at it thanks again
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hmm it didnt seem to work on device. do i have to have: restore "unlocked2" or just the word restore? I set up just room2 to test, does it only unlock after i exit room2 fully (which i didnt test yet)?!

Using just restore means you restore every variable you've saved. If you use restore "unlocked2" it restores only the variable unlocked2.

Regarding why it's not saved to disk, this is from the docs: Persistent storage is written to disk between the exit and enter events when changing rooms or when the Player reaches an ending.

So it means you need to exit a room to flush the stored data to disk. In my game, I set the unlockedRooms in the collect event of an item I pick up on the room exit - it's placed on the same location as the exit. currentRoom is set in the enter event of the room, then the code for the item is this:

on collect do
  if unlockedRooms < currentRoom then
    unlockedRooms = currentRoom
    store "unlockedRooms"

thank you i will try!

ah couldnt get it to work so i just released game with all levels accessable. ROLL OR SK8 game :slight_smile:

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Congrats on releasing a new game! (Those are A LOT of released games!! I applaud your creativity!)

thank you!!! I have a few more left i think before I take a break and try for making nintendo ds games