Video Dithering Tool?

Hey yall!

I am interested in dithering a certain video. Is there a way to do this as I can't think of anything besides splitting all the frames and dithering them individual.

Thanks if anyone can help me with this.

See Video encoder (work in progress, mac only)

Dang, I don't have a Mac. :frowning: I am a Windows and Linux user. Are there any other programs that could do this that are not Playdate related?

Something I've used in the past is ezGIF. (When I made this:

  1. Convert video to GIF Video to animated GIF converter
  2. Crop and scale to fit Playdate screen
  3. Download GIF
  4. Convert GIF to sprite sheet Online GIF to sprite sheet converter
  5. Download sprite sheet
  6. Dither sprite sheet (I used

I made a web based PDV encoder:
You'll need to export your video off Youtube first (yt-dlp is great for that).

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