"Whirlwind" attack with Crank


I've recently started experimenting with Pulpscript and have successfully created a basic 1-bit Zelda-inspired game. In it, players can attack enemies using the confirm event. I'm looking to enhance the gameplay by implementing a whirlwind attack feature. Could anyone assist me in scripting this so that the sword tile changes orientation at 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much!

I wish you could've explained how your attack script works, but this should do it. I should mention that wsNum is there to change the sword tile depending on the crank's angle and that the tile is being drawn instead of being swapped as it is much easier to handle if it moves so fast.

on draw do
	draw "sword {wsNum}" at wsX,wsY
on crank do
	if event.aa<45 then
		// up
		wsNum = 0
		wsOffsetY = -1
		wsOffsetX = 0
	elseif event.aa<135 then
		// right
		wsNum = 1
		wsOffsetY = 0
		wsOffsetX = 1
	elseif event.aa<225 then
		// down
		wsNum = 2
		wsOffsetY = 1
		wsOffsetX = 0
	elseif event.aa<315 then
		// left
		wsNum = 3
		wsOffsetY = 0
		wsOffsetX = -1
	// Display
	wsX = event.px
	wsY = event.py
	wsX += wsOffsetX
	wsY += wsOffsetY

If you want to, you can extend this and make it work diagonally

	if event.aa<30 then
		// North
		wsNum = 0
		wsOffsetX = 0
		wsOffsetY = -1
	elseif event.aa<60 then
		// North-East
		wsNum = 1
		wsOffsetX = 1
		wsOffsetY = -1
	elseif event.aa<120 then
		// East
		wsNum = 2
		wsOffsetX = 1
		wsOffsetY = 0
	elseif event.aa<150 then
		// South-East
		wsNum = 3
		wsOffsetX = 1
		wsOffsetY = 1
	elseif event.aa<210 then
		// South
		wsNum = 4
		wsOffsetX = 0
		wsOffsetY = 1
	elseif event.aa<240 then
		// South-West
		wsNum = 5
		wsOffsetX = -1
		wsOffsetY = 1
	elseif event.aa<300 then
		// West
		wsNum = 6
		wsOffsetX = -1
		wsOffsetY = 0
	elseif event.aa<330 then
		// North-West
		wsNum = 7
		wsOffsetX = -1
		wsOffsetY = -1

Thanks for your quick reply & help!

Unfortunately, the code doesn't work for me - I even tried it on a fresh project. When I try to play it, the screen inside of the web emulator stays black.

Here is my attack script:

on confirm do
	swordX = event.x
	swordY = event.y
	swordX += event.dx
	swordY += event.dy
	if event.dx==1 then
		swordTile = "swordRight"
	elseif event.dx==-1 then
		swordTile = "swordLeft"
	elseif event.dy==1 then
		swordTile = "swordDown"
	elseif event.dy==-1 then
		swordTile = "swordUp"
	tileAtSwordPos = name swordX,swordY
	if tileAtSwordPos=="white" then
		call "swingSword"
	elseif tileAtSwordPos=="enemy" then
		call "swingSword"
		if enemiesRemaining<=0 then
			emit "enemiesDefeated"		
on swingSword do
	tell swordX,swordY to
		swap swordTile
		wait 0.2 then
			swap "white"

you have to rename your sword sprites to the number inside to work wsNum ex: sword 1, sword 2, sword 3, and so on.

I'll make this easier and share the project file with your code, so you can look at how it works.

whirlwind.zip (3.1 KB)

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