8x8 repeating fill patterns

Hi :wave:

I finished up an asset pack of 'retro' 8x8px repeating tile patterns:
http://8x8.me Public Domain - free to use.

Easily import a group of patterns with a x.playdate-pulp.zip archive, found in each category.

Appreciate any feedback; hope it's useful :slight_smile:


Oooh I wonder if I can adapt some of these for 10x10

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This is cool, makes a nice dither gradient reference while the architecture/nature categories are creeping into usable tilesets more than just patterns!

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@Guv_Bubbs - might be a fun challenge... 4x4, 8x8 and 16x16 are probably the most common for tilesets. Some designs will allow for a padding pixel on each side... but generally they are pretty optimized to repeat every 8 pixels.

Thanks @orkn - really appreciate your feedback! :smiley: I'm trying to balance background tiles with some interesting patterns.

I had some issues importing the png artwork into Pulp... but I'm new to Pulp. Has anyone had some success?

To import into Pulp the filename needs to be of the form *-table-8-8.png e.g. tileset-table-8-8.png. Hope that helps!

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Thanks. That was the issue. :+1:

This seems like a weird limitation! Since all tiles are 8x8px, we can just detect a single tile image (8x8) or a tileset (multiples of 8px)... without strict filename conventions? I'm reluctant to add -table-8-8 to every individual png file... :sweat_smile:

Update: The images I provided assume a light transmitting display (e.g. OLED) so a 'set' pixel is lit (white). I may need to create an inverted tileset, to match the reflective LCD display, so a 'set' pixel is unlit (dark)... that seems to be the Playdate convention? :thinking:

I agree, it's a bit awkward! As for why it's like that:

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Any feeling whether colours should be inverted? Would love to match the community's expectations :slight_smile:

Hah... also seems that import fails if you use Playdate's own colour palette (vs just black and white)...!?

playdate-white: #b1aea8;
playdate-black: #322f27;

Update: Figured this out. Will post in-depth details elsewhere. The palette I used: white #b1aea8 and black #001020.

Hopefully this is something @dan can put into the backlog.

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I'd expect black and white pngs, non-inverted (but I'm no authority on such things!)

Would you have a moment to test this zip package, which hopefully aids importing?

-- Please also check the images inside the archive- these are in the Playdate style. I kinda like it, but want to match expectations.

  • :white_large_square::black_large_square: LCD Style โ˜บ๏ธŽ : White background / Black foreground image
  • :black_large_square::white_large_square: OLED Style โ˜ป : Black background / White foreground image
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:skull: โ„Œ๐”ž๐”ญ๐”ญ๐”ถ โ„Œ๐”ž๐”ฉ๐”ฉ๐”ฌ๐”ด๐”ข๐”ข๐”ซ :skull: !

(Skulls here)


I've just discovered your collection through your other recent post. Looks amazing! Thank you for your efforts :pray:

I just want to link a related resource, perhaps someone will find it useful too:

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Wow! Wish I'd seen that sooner!! What a great resource :star_struck:

@one_bit_mango I'm still going to release SDK support... (I've already done the work)... do you think it will be useful? Do you have any other suggestions? Many thanks :smiley:

Please, of course! By no means I wished you'd stopped.

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~ ๐’ฎ๐‘’๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐“ˆ ๐’ข๐“‡๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘”๐“ˆ ~ :snowflake::space_invader::snowflake:

(Invaders here).

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