A video-series about Pulp game development

Hey! I'm currently working on a couple of how-to videos for Pulp, based on the development of my game. I've been posting them on reddit so far, but since this forum is orientated more towards other developers, I thought that it might be a better fit here :slight_smile:

Here's a link to all 7 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxhp78KVQOqf7bJ6FpC24phhGPFNSYN_c

I'll update this post as I'm adding the videos I planned.
[Update 19/08/2024: added a new one]
[Update 26/08/2024: added another one]
[Update 01/09/2024: this one was tough to make]


These are great, thanks!

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Thanks, glad you like them. I've just added a new one :wink:

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