Anyone hosting a game jam?

Hey! I was wondering, is anybody is going to do a game jam soon? If so, I'm in. It would be great to have a deadline to get the blood pumping!

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@grhmhome's currently hosting the Yellow Square Jam, where the grand prize is a Playdate console!

It's currently going on right now, and runs until I believe the end of October, so you've still got around a month to make somethin' great!
@PossiblyAxolotl also regularly hosts the PlayJam, less stakes but has a theme and a tighter deadline, usually around a week or so. The fourth one's starting in mid-November!


I'm currently hosting a 1 month long game jam. Submissions end on the 29th and then I'll select a winner on the 4th or 5th of November. No theme. Pulp and SDK (Lua, C, Noble Engine, etc) are both welcome.

@stuffbyrae Thank you for posting a link.

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