Can’t Register SDK on Steam Deck w/SDK through Proton

I’m running the windows version of the SDK through proton compatibility on my steam deck. It runs fine.
All that to say, despite connecting the SDK through my wifi, and technically registering it as it shows as a synced device on my account, it doesn’t show as a side loadable device so I can’t get any of my play date games from your website :frowning: if it helps, the link on the device page (where it shows as synced) to “register” my device which should start the SDK can’t open my one cause I’m running it through steam with proton so maybe it can’t fully link the site’s device with my actual SDK? I’m able to manually add games to my games folder from sites like, but some games are only on your site and I’d love access to them!
Thanks! Oh, and the Linux version of the SDK wouldn’t install on my deck or I’d try that to see if all of my problems were fixed. Any chance of a flatpak version? Or even easier, just the option to download the file version of a game we purchased!

If you see the simulator in the device tab then you are all good and you should be able to use the sideload page. When you upload something there, you have to go to settings > games from the simulator to download and install the games.

That said, I am almost sure that you can’t install games bought on Catalog in the simulator.

An other thing to consider is that C games needs to have to been compiled for the Windows simulator if you want to play them.

Yeah, so the trouble is is that despite seeing the simulator in the devices page, I can’t side load anything…when I go to that tab it says I need to register a device. When I click on my simulator in the devices page it says it’s synced but it also says “register” at the bottom like I have to complete a step but that register button can’t open my simulator as I have it running through steam’s proton compatibility tool. Yes I’d heard about the catalog glitch that one in my sim Just crashes whenever I open it. So yeah, not sure what’s wrong but I can’t sidelod anything :confused: