Tried using the debugDraw function the other day under Linux but it doesn't work.
I'm using Sway (Wayland) not sure if that is related, and with the debug overlay enabled.
I have tried in 1.1 and 1.0
On Linux
On MacOS
Sample main.lua
import "CoreLibs/graphics"
local gfx <const> =
local x = 400/2
local y = 240/2
local r = 1
function playdate.update()
x = (x + 1) % 400
y = (y + 1) % 240
r = (r + .1) % 10
function playdate.debugDraw()
gfx.drawCircleAtPoint(x, y, r + 2)
Yes, I'm experiencing similar issues with 2.4.2 on my Linux Notebook and Windows PC. I'll try using a different Linux Display Servers and see if the problem persist. I think I'm currently using Wayland.
Edit: It seems to be neither working on Wayland, nor Xorg. Maybe its a problem specific to my device. The playdate.keyPressed callback works perfectly fine.
Another Edit: It seems to be a problem specific to my device. Works perfectly fine on another Linux Notebook. Weird.
Compositor doesn't matter in this case. Make sure debug draw menu item is checked on and the debug drawing code is working correctly. That's all I can think of as to why it wouldn't be working on one specific machine.