Devlog of: Riley - A WIP game about walking a dog



This post is a development log so that I feel motivated to continue my game, but I would love to hear any opinions you have on any part of the game at any part of this development.

Alright, so I started development on my first real game where you would walk your dog around an open world environment with story elements you could discover, and your dog would pull in certain directions and you'd use the crank to (kind of) control the dog.
The focus would be the story.

Prior to starting this post, I started working on movement and animation, and managed to get momentum mostly working, at least for now.

The next step is to make sure collision is working properly with tilemaps and then I can add the dog entity into the game.

Well, not much, and probably not very interesting for all of you, but that's what I've started for now.

Bouncy Block- :playdate_happy:


nice! I was workin on a dog walking game i made some dogs and stuff he may encounter like cats *pulls the dog along automatically/ birds etc (squirrels?!) you can use these graphics or the idea or both! Have the owner avoid stepping in poo!!


Hm, interesting!

For art, I haven't settled on a design yet, right now its remixed pokemon red art, but its cool to see the same concept with minimalist art which looks nice.

As for ideas, yeah! thats really cool! I might have story elements where you meet dog owners and see them progress through their life.

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After lots of bugs and trying to find an answer, I finally kind of got LDtk level format to work with my game so I can have levels and collisions. The collisions work fine, but I still haven't gotten it to draw properly, I'm pretty sure its how I'm initializing it. Right now, just as a prototype, I'm forcing the setTiles info by writing it by hand. Using world in setTiles like so:


throws an error, so maybe I'm just missing something obvious, or something, but I couldn't find much on this.

Here's my progress:
map sample

For those interested, here's the initialization code, any help would be appreciated.

import "CoreLibs/object"
import "CoreLibs/graphics"
import "CoreLibs/sprites"
import "CoreLibs/timer"

import "player"

local pd <const> = playdate
local gfx <const> =

import '../toyboxes/toyboxes'

import "LDtk"

local world
local tilemap = gfx.tilemap:new()
local tilesheet ="Images/tiles")

local function game_initialize()
    playerInstance = Player(100,100)
    LDtk.load( "MyWorld.ldtk" )
    assert("MyWorld.ldtk", "myw dne")
    world = LDtk.create_tilemap("Level_0")
    assert(world, "does not exist")
    demoinfo = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}
    tilemap:setTiles(demoinfo, 8)  -- Assuming 32x32 tiles; adjust based on your setup
    -- Add wall sprites using LDtk data
    local emptyTileIDs = LDtk.get_empty_tileIDs("MyWorld", "Walls")
    gfx.sprite.addWallSprites(world, emptyTileIDs)
    -- Set the tilemap data using the world loaded from LDtk



function pd.update()

Very slow process, but working on it.

Bouncy Block - :playdate_happy: