Difficulty building for Playdate Device using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows

I've been having a nightmare of a time trying to get C working on the Playdate. I have successfully got it building for the Simulator on Windows using a slightly modified Hello World program in Visual Studio 2019 using the cmake tools built in.
This is the CMakeLists.txt that I have been successfully using.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)


	# Convert path from Windows
			COMMAND bash -c "egrep '^\\s*SDKRoot' $HOME/.Playdate/config"
			COMMAND head -n 1
			COMMAND cut -c9-

	message(FATAL_ERROR "SDK Path not found; set ENV value PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH")


# Game Name Customization
set(PLAYDATE_GAME_NAME hello_world)


	add_executable(${PLAYDATE_GAME_DEVICE} ${SDK}/C_API/buildsupport/setup.c src/main.c)
	add_library(${PLAYDATE_GAME_NAME} SHARED src/main.c )


As well as this configuration in CMakeSettings.json

      "name": "x64-Debug (default)",
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "configurationType": "Debug",
      "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ],
      "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}",
      "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}",
      "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
      "buildCommandArgs": "",
      "ctestCommandArgs": "",
      "variables": []

I just right click on the CMakeLists in Visual Studio 2019, click Build and its good to go. Open the simulator, new changes are loaded automatically.
However, when I want to build to the Playdate device itself is when I run into issues.
I've attempted these two configurations in CMakeSettings.json

      "name": "gcc-arm-release",
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "configurationType": "Release",
      "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}",
      "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}",
      "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
      "buildCommandArgs": "",
      "ctestCommandArgs": "",
      "inheritEnvironments": [ "gcc-arm" ],
      "variables": []
      "name": "arm-buildsupport-Debug",
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "configurationType": "Debug",
      "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}",
      "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}",
      "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
      "buildCommandArgs": "",
      "ctestCommandArgs": "",
      "inheritEnvironments": [ "..\\..\\..\\buildsupport\\arm.cmake" ],
      "variables": []

and am met with the same error

Line Suppression State Error CMake Error at C:\<myusernamehere>\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\PlaydateHelloWorld\CMakeLists.txt:31 (project):
  No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found.

  Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment
  variable "CC" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_C_COMPILER to the full path to
  the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH.

I have also attempted to use nmake through the command line using the tips on the Inside Playdate with C page

4.4. Building for the Simulator using NMake

If you’d like to use VSCode or a different IDE you can also build using NMake.

    Navigate into the project directory and create a build folder, this is where cmake will generate its project files

    Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt from the Start Menu or from within Visual Studio

    In the developer command prompt window, navigate into build directory and type cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"

    Type nmake to build the project. This will create a .pdx file at the root level of the project directory which can be run in the Simulator.

4.5. Building for the Playdate using NMake

    Navigate into the project directory and create a build folder, this is where cmake will generate its project files

    Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt from the Start Menu or from within Visual Studio

    In the developer command prompt window, navigate into build directory and type cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" --toolchain=..\..\..\buildsupport\arm.cmake

    Type nmake to build the project. This will create a .pdx file at the root level of the project directory which can be run on the Playdate.

Building for Release

When you’re ready to do a release build, regenerate the build targets by passing -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release argument to CMake.

but each time I try, I get a .pdx folder that works with the simulator but still holds a completely empty pdx.bin (like 0 bits, it is completely blank when I open it up in Notepad). I've been lead to believe that this is what the Playdate device needs in order to boot the game because I get a "CAPI handler function wasn’t located in loaded data" error on the device itself when I attempt to sideload these .pdx folders.

I've really tried to get this running on my own and clearly people are having success but after several multiple hour long debugging sessions, I am asking for all of your help in trying to get a proper build made. I've tried to give everything I have that would be useful but if you need anything else that would help you debug, let me know!
Thank you all for your help in advance!

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Ok, I finally got this working. For posterity for people who may be finding this in the future and are running into the same difficulties.
Here is the CMakeSettings.json that successfully got me building

  "environments": [
      "PATH": "C:\\Windows\\system32"
  "configurations": [
      "name": "x64-Debug (default)",
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "configurationType": "Debug",
      "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x64_x64" ],
      "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}",
      "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}",
      "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
      "buildCommandArgs": "",
      "ctestCommandArgs": "",
      "variables": []
      "name": "arm-Debug",
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "configurationType": "Debug",
      "buildRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\build\\${name}",
      "installRoot": "${projectDir}\\out\\install\\${name}",
      "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
      "buildCommandArgs": "",
      "ctestCommandArgs": "",
      "cmakeToolchain": "<my_literal_SDK_path>/C_API/buildsupport/arm.cmake",
      "inheritEnvironments": [ "gcc-arm" ],
      "variables": []

I did have to make a minor edit to the arm.cmake, changing line 17 to

			HINTS "/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/10 2021.10/bin")

I still get a ton of Intellisense errors that I can't seem to get rid of but it compiles and that's all I need.


It's now 2024 and this is obviously still not sorted out. I'm right at the same point where you were, trying to build one of examples for the device.
Following steps from documentation on how to build for Windows for device, no success.

However, I have few questions for you.
This CMakeSettings.json file, to what folder do you place that file and how do you connect that to build system?

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