Does actual code for functions we use in the C Api live in the firmware / os or does it get linked into our own binary somehow?

I'm just wondering about this but Do actual code for functions we use in the C Api live in the firmware / os or does it get linked into our own binary somehow ? i don't directly see it linking in code from a static lib so i'm guessing the code lives in the firmware / os and any newer firmware with changes to the (internal) functions (we use from the c api) affect our old released games (binaries) as well. So for example if there is some bug found in one of these functions in current SDK and we release a game and it gets fixed in a newer firmware we don't have to recompile our code / game against the newly released SDK (when a new firmware is released) to get the fix applied to our previously released games right ?

i've gotten the answer on discord from subpixel. So in short they live in firmware / os, any fix (or worst case scenario bug) to any such function in newer firmwares, gets applied to our older released games without us having to recompile them


I'll just note that this is correct except for CoreLibs functions. Since those are just Lua files that are imported into your game, bug fixes do require your game to be recompiled in order for the fix to be applied.

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