First Person "3D" Maze & Relative Movement

After playing around with implementing some maze generation algorithms and a few other ideas, I threw them all away and came up with a different concept entirely! Introducing...

Daedalus Versus Minotaur

Based on the ancient Greek myth of the Labyrinth, dvm is an asymmetrical versus game of maze building and solving.






Two competing players take turns, one building a maze in top-down 2D for the other to solve in first person pseudo 3D - each with a frantic 30 second time limit. Every other round the players alternate roles between builder and solver as the overall score is tracked. A successful escape is a point for the solver, an unsuccessful one a point for the builder. The exit the solver is aiming for is the last position the builder was at when their time ran out.

Playing against myself makes the solving somewhat easier than intended, but I have playtested it with my partner just now (looking away while the other builds but spectating the escape attempt) and I was pleased to be having fun! It's not a concept I've seen before and I think it works pretty well :slight_smile:

Some maybe-interesting development notes:

I implemented the "carve-able" labyrinth as a room full of sprites with the appearance of black tiles. On interact, which is called on a sprite when the player attempts to walk into it, it swaps itself to a white tile and calls goto on the player to move them into its position. This results in the building gameplay code being incredibly simple!

The downside was that my existing relative movement code didn't yet support sprites (as the player's bump event is not called when bumping into a sprite, only a solid world tile), so I had to fix that. There's probably a better way of doing it if you have multiple sprites to worry about, but I just have the one so just added the necessary logic to the sprite's on interact handler.

I did as I suggested earlier in the thread and expanded the first person view vars to get each tile name as well as solidity so that I can display the exit in first person. No fancy graphics for this, I just have a "!" drawn as a label in the relevant position. It's quick and dirty but workable!

Here is a zip of the json so you can play it and see the code:

Daedalus Versus (8.4 KB)

If anyone gives it a play, please do let me know what you think (especially if you try it in actual multiplayer!). I'm not sure what the balance is like between building and solving but I'm pretty sure it favours builder wins.

One broken strategy that I haven't addressed is:

Both builder and solver have the same input rate/delay, which gives an advantage to the builder due to their absolute movement. If the builder just makes a zig-zagging corridor, they can build that quicker than the solver can navigate it due to the builder moving at a rate of 1 tile per button press but the solver, who has to rotate the camera before moving around a corner, moves at a rate of 0.5 tiles per button press. With the same time limit that means the builder can just zig-zag and race away, although there is still the player's input time and relatively small screen space that might mitigate this a little.