First Person "3D" Maze & Relative Movement

I've rewritten this to handle any arrangement of walls! Now you can explore whatever open spaces you like. Here's a demo walking around the default title card letters in first person!


As always, here is the json:

First Person (7.0 KB)

The perspective gets a little squiffy, especially for walls visible 2 tiles away, but I think the brain makes sense of it. Or maybe just mine does because I've been staring at it so long!

It also has that classic effect from a flat draw distance that means you can see further in the diagonal directions. I've played enough videogames that do the same to not worry myself over that :smile:

Possible further ideas floating around my head: Add a compass, add visible character sprites/items, draw different walls depending on the tile name, (e.g. doors), turn the default top-down view into a "map" accessible from a menu (where maybe walls only become visible on the map if you have been near them), try some random room generation... or maybe just optimise the current code :sweat_smile: