Game Pitch Form Question

My Question and Fear

Hey, just curious is there any way to see the entire playdate catalogue pitch form questions as a simple list? I've just been clicking through but it feels inefficient, and I don't want to accidentally submit.

I'm not trying to submit a game yet, I'd like to see the pitch form questions as a list so I can prepare my submission ahead of time.

ps - i know this isn't SDK Help really, but I wasn't sure where to place this.

My Fear Come to Life


I ended up submitting erroneously.

Well, the form seems simple enough. But, I feel like a fool for submitting something with a lot of placeholder text. Hopefully y'all understand over at Panic. I swear that's not my submission! haha

I'm pretty sure there is a pdf, but can't find it anymore. I bet @arisa has a one

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