Games that require a newer version of the OS are completely hidden

This isn’t a feature request for the SDK really, but more of a request to try and improve upon the experience I just had.

I had side-loaded a game through the web page but it wasn’t showing up on my device. I had a hunch that maybe it required a newer version of the OS but there isn’t any information like that shown beside the builds on the web page.

I upgraded anyway but the game still didn’t show up. I had to go to Settings -> Games to refresh the list and then it appeared.

I think this experience would be improved by:

  1. Displaying the minimum OS version for a build on the side load page for a game.
  2. Allowing games that are owned but can’t be played without upgrading to be discoverable on the device.
    • A placeholder card on the Home Screen would help a lot.
    • An entry in the games list under settings would be great as well.

bumping this because i've seen it happening a lot lately with some of the newest Catalog releases (pullfrog and mars specifically); would probably save quite a bit of headache if they just showed up & downloaded anyway, but then prompted the user at start-up if the game is too new for the current OS version


We are changing this behavior in 2.4.2 to show the game in the games list as incompatible. The other suggestions are good as well and something to consider for future updates.